Quick links to find out more

Billing and payments

  • Our Customer Support Network has a range of flexible payment options and support services to help you.

  • Our Support Finder guides you to the support option that's best for you and your budget

  • Need a longer-term, interest-free payment plan? Try Smoothpay – it’s easy to set up online, just watch the video to find out how.

  • To get an automatic 7-day payment extension (these options are only available before the due date on your bill):

    • Log in or register for My Account and go to ‘My Payments’, then scroll down to the bottom of the page and select ‘Need more time’ to get your 7-day extension online.

    • OR call 1300 086 489 and press option 2 to get your 7-day extension via our automated phone system.

By email:

By post 

  • Log in or register for My Account and go to ‘My Details’ in to check your postal address is up to date. 

  • Then go to ‘My Inbox’ in My Account to view, download and print copies of your missing paper or email bills.

Suspicious activity

  • If anything about your missing bill seems unusual or suspicious, please don’t hesitate to call us on 1300 086 489.


  • Log in or register for My Account and go ‘My History’ to see your current account balance and a complete list of all your payments.

  • Or call 1300 086 489 and press option 2 to get an automated voice message giving your current account balance. 

  • If your Unitywater account is in credit, we recommend you keep this extra money on your account to help pay for your next bill.

  • If you do require a refund, please request this by using our Contact Us online form and provide the following information: 

    • Unitywater Account Number

    • Other Unitywater Account Number (if you would like the refund transferred to another account)

    • Refund amount

    • Receipt number for payment

    • Date of payment

    • Method of payment

    • Proof of payment (please attach PDF copy or image of your payment receipt)

    • BSB and account number OR postal address for a cheque

  • Unfortunately, we are unable to process refunds back to your credit card.



Unexpected high bills and leaks

  • In some circumstances, residential customers may be eligible to apply for once-off assistance to help with water usage costs caused by a hidden (concealed) leak. Find out if you are eligible and how to apply for a Concealed Leak Allowance.

  • Business and non-residential customers are not eligible for a Concealed Leak allowance, but can apply for a Sewerage Usage Allowance

Updating account details and authorities

Buying, selling and moving

  • We don't send you a final Unitywater bill for your charges up to the property's settlement date. Instead, any outstanding charges or credits on your Unitywater account should be taken care of during the buying and selling (settlement) process, which is organised by your conveyancing solicitor.

  • Find out more on our selling a property page.

Pensioner Water Subsidy

  • Eligible pensioners can receive a Pensioner Water Subsidy of up to $120 per year off their water bill.  

  • This is up to $30 every quarter and is listed  as a ‘Pensioner Rebate’ on Page 2 of your water and sewerage bill.

  • It is only allowed on one property at a time.

  • It is applied to your Unitywater bill from the date you submitted your Pensioner Water Subsidy application form, on a pro rata basis. For example, if you applied half way through your property’s quarterly billing period, your next bill will have only half of the subsidy amount applied (i.e. up to $15), and all future bills will have the full subsidy amount (up to $30 per quarter).  

  • The Pensioner Water Subsidy is applied to your Unitywater bill, but the amount and eligibility criteria are determined and funded by the Queensland Government.

  • Find out more about the Queensland Government Water Subsidy.

  • The subsidy is allowed on only one property at a time and cannot be claimed on any additional properties you may have:

    • If you currently don't receive the Pension Water Subsidy for your owner-occupied principal place of residence, you can apply as soon as you become eligible and have received your concession card details.

    • If you already receive the subsidy for your owner-occupied residence and then you move to a new one, you need to reapply for the subsidy, as it does not move with you.  However, you can only reapply after we have set up the Unitywater account for your new property and sent you a 'Welcome' email or letter to advise you of your new account details.

  • Unfortunately, we can’t backdate the Pensioner Water Subsidy to start any earlier than the date you applied for the subsidy (even if you were eligible before this time).

  • The subsidy can only be applied to your bill from the date you submitted your Pensioner Water Subsidy application form, on a pro rata basis. For example, if you applied half way through your property’s quarterly billing period, your next bill will have only half of the subsidy amount applied (i.e. up to $15), and all future bills will have the full subsidy amount (up to $30 per quarter).  

  • Find out more about the Pensioner Water Subsidy.

  • This Pensioner Water Subsidy is not automatically transferred to your new Unitywater account and bills if you move from one property to another.

  • It’s very important that you apply again using the Pensioner Water Subsidy online application form.

  • Unfortunately, tenants who pay water usage charges can’t apply for the Pensioner Water Subsidy – only property owners or ‘life tenants’ are eligible.

  • Find out more about the Pensioner Water Subsidy.

Water quality, outages and supply issues

  • Sometimes you may need to turn off the water on your property for plumbing maintenance, a leak or some other emergency.

  • Find out how to turn off your water by turning off your stop tap.

  • Find general information about soft or hard water in your region on the what's in your water page.

  • You can also use our water quality postcode checker to find out if your water is soft or hard. Simply enter your postcode, then look for the 'Total Hardness' row in the in the Chemical (aesthetic) performance table and use the information below to confirm if your water is soft or hard:

    • Less than 60 mg/ L CaCO3 (Calcium Carbonate) = Soft but possibly corrosive

    • 60-200 mg/L CaCO3 = Good quality

    • 200-500 mg/L CaCO3 = Hard, with increasing scaling problems

    • Greater than 500 mg/L CaCO3 = Hard with severe scaling

  • Find out more about what’s in your water and where it comes from.

Building, connecting and moving meters

  Finding your meter:

  • Your meter is normally found out the front of your property, usually on the left or right side of the boundary. It could be inside an underground meter box or it may be above ground.

  • Read our our meter reading FAQs to find out more about water meters and what they look like

  • Still can’t find it? Find out how to get help with locating your water meter.

Moving your meter:

  • First, contact Dial Before You Dig to see what essential services, like water and electricity, are located underground.

  • Then use our free online mapping tool to view and download all the Detailed Infrastructure Plan information showing the exact location and technical details of the water and sewerage pipes and manholes on your property.

  • If you still require or prefer an official PDF of the Detailed Infrastructure Plan emailed directly to you, you can order and pay for one online at the 'My Request' page in My Account.

  • Find out more about Detail Infrastructure Plans.

No water? Please check for water outages first to see if we are already working to restore water to your property

Check for water outages      Report a fault online 

Or phone 1300 086 489 (24/7)

Our service areas are Moreton Bay, Sunshine Coast and Noosa.

Submit an online enquiry 

Phone: 1300 086 489
Open 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

International phone number: +61 7 5431 8333

Our service areas are Moreton Bay, Sunshine Coast and Noosa.

Public Interest Disclosures: Request the General Counsel and Company Secretary, or the Senior Lawyer, Governance and Compliance.

Other ways to contact us

Our reception counters are open from 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.

You can find us at:

Northern Corporate Centre: 6-10 Maud St, Maroochydore, QLD, Australia 4558 (Head Office)

Southern Corporate Centre: Level 2, 1737 Anzac Ave, Mango Hill, QLD, Australia 4509

PO Box 953, Caboolture, QLD 4510

Your feedback is important to us. We welcome your compliments, complaints and suggestions to help improve our services, products, decisions and actions.

Learn more about how to submit your feedback.

Members of the public can report wrongdoing to Unitywater including corruption, fraud, dishonesty, theft, unethical behaviour, dangers to health and safety of a person with a disability, dangers to the environment, or potential reprisal for making a disclosure.

You can make a report about wrongdoing in any way, including anonymously, either verbally or in writing.

Please refer to the Public Interest Disclosures webpage to see what to include in your disclosure and where to send it. 

If English is not your first language, you can use the free Translation and Interpreter Service:
13 14 50 (8.30am -  5.30pm,  Monday to Friday) 

Jika Anda membutuhkan juru bahasa, silahkan menelpon - 13 14 50

Αν χρειάζεστε διερμηνέα, τηλεφωνήστε - 13 14 50

Volete utilizzare il nostro servizio di traduzione? Si prega di chiamare - 13 14 50

If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can use the National Relay Service to contact us. 

See which number you need to call depending on your particular circumstances. When you get through, please give the operator Unitywater's phone number: 1300 086 489.

For more information, visit the National Relay Service website.

If you are blind or vision impaired, please visit the Vision Australia website or call 1300 847 466 for information about support services that may help you in your dealings with us.

If you need to access a larger print version of your bill, the easiest way is to register for My Account or sign up for e-billing. You will then be able to make use of screen readers or simple “zoom in” tools available online.

Accessing our website or reading your bills on an iPhone?

Did you know that all iPhones have an in-built accessibility setting that allows your phone to read the content of your screen?

Turning on this function is easy. Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Speech and then set Speak Screen to be “on”.

For all other mobile devices, please check your manufacturer’s instructions.

Larger print, paper copies of bills (A3 size) are available on request. Please contact us on 1300 086 489 or email customer.service@unitywater.com to ask us to send you a larger print bill by post. 

Switch to email bills today