Water leaks waste money and water - don't let this happen to you

Water leaks are a big nuisance that can cost a lot of money if not found early. Many leaks occur when water pipes crack under the ground, in walls and underneath concrete and driveways, which makes them difficult to find.

These hidden (or concealed) leaks can waste thousands of litres of water a day and very often go unnoticed, until you suddenly get a much larger bill and significant water damage to your property.

Here are some real examples of what can happen when you have a hidden or concealed leak:

  • A Body Corporate with 98 sub-metered units had a concealed leak underground outside one of the units. Plumbing repairs cost $2800 and customer bill increased from a few hundred dollars average per quarter to $20,000.
  • Residential unit owner had a concealed leak underneath a concrete driveway which was not visible above ground. Plumbing repairs cost $1300 and customer bill increased from $250 average to $8800.

How to check for a hidden (concealed) leak

  1. Turn off all taps, the washing machine, dishwasher and irrigation at your property.

  2. Read your water meter and write down or take a photo of the numbers (including the red numbers, which indicate litres). Make sure you leave the water meter tap on. 

  3. Wait at least one hour before reading your water meter again - remember not to use any water, even to flush the toilet during this time. 

  4. If the reading has changed (last numbers or dial on the water meter), you may have a water leak. Please contact a licensed plumber to investigate.

Please note: the numbers on a water meter will only move if water is being drawn through it, either by something on your property (hose, washing machine, plumbed in fridges, dishwashers, etc.) or if there is a leak.

Watch the video

What to do when you find a leak

Leaks at the meter

You could have a leak at the meter or around the meter if you notice water filling the meter box or soggy ground surrounding the meter.

  • If your meter box is full of water please call us on 1300 086 489.
  • If you have soggy ground around your meter and your meter is not ticking over then the leak is likely on our infrastructure. Please call us on 1300 086 489.
  • If you have soggy ground around your meter and your meter is ticking over then water is being drawn through the meter and the leak is on your side of the meter. Please call a local licensed plumber to investigate. 


Water meter image showing Unitywater and customer responsibility