Trade Waste Search

We recommended you order a Trade Waste Search if you are buying or starting a business that generates trade waste. Trade waste includes liquid waste such as grease, oils and chemicals

Trade Waste Permit

A Trade Waste Permit is also required if you are purchasing or starting a business that produces trade waste.
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How to request a Water Search Certificate

The quickest way to request a Water Search Certificate is online in My Account where you can submit your request and pay for your application. Payments can be made via credit card or on a 14-day account if you’re pre-registered.

Order Water Search in My Account

Description 2024-25 price
Search on unimproved land (no meter) $85.00
Search on developed land (with meter) $170.00

You’ll receive your Water Search Certificate within 10 working days of requesting it. If you are unable to access My Account, you can order one through our online form.