Unitywater Executive Manager Sustainable Infrastructure Solutions, Mike Basterfield, said the scale and speed of development currently underway and planned for the area was unprecedented.

“New developments of this size and scale require new essential infrastructure, and with more than 100,000 residents expected to move to the area over the next 20 years, Unitywater is delivering a safe and reliable water supply into the future,” Mr Basterfield said.

“The Pine Valley Water Supply Project is one of the projects we are actively investing in to meet the region’s water and wastewater needs and support healthy and thriving communities,” he said.

Mr Basterfield said the reservoir, located off Jacko Place in Morayfield, and associated pipeline, was on track to begin construction from late March, weather and site conditions permitting.

“This project has undergone an extensive planning process to ensure that the final design considers the needs of all stakeholders and is delivered in an economically and environmentally sustainable way,” Mr Basterfield said.

“Where possible, the new pipelines will be laid in existing easements and along road reserves. This allows us to minimise the impact on the natural environment during trenching works.

“Any necessary vegetation clearing works will be monitored and approved by a qualified fauna spotter and a representative of the Kabi Kabi people, and revegetation with native species would happen on the reservoir site as part of the project’s restoration works.”

“Our delivery partner, Downer, will keep nearby residents and businesses informed of the project’s progress through regular project updates, and we invite members of the community to reach out to the project team at any time.”

For more information regarding this project, or to get in contact with the project team, visit the Pine Valley Water Supply Project page.