Primary schools across the Moreton Bay, Noosa and Sunshine Coast regions are invited to register their interest to take part in a live, in-school-theatre water education program, ‘Walter Smart and Friends’. The program is being run by Unitywater in partnership with Water Conservancy and Gibber Educational.
- The next round of performances will be at the end of 20-27 June 2025.
- The program is aligned to key aims of the F–6 Australian Curriculum for Science and HASS.
- The exciting and free performance includes a one-hour, high energy pantomime style performance and a follow-on interactive 25-minute workshop that inspires and educates students about water use and waste management.
- Schools can book in any number of students in years 2 to 6 to join in the performance and contribute to their studies about the water cycle.
Register your interest for 2025 using the booking form below.
Once you've completed the form, be sure to check out our teacher’s resources page and our student activity zone.