Your settlement checklist
- Calculate any additional charges due at settlement using the Settlement Calculator
- Include credit balances, as these will transfer to the new owner on settlement
- Do not include pensioner rebates or subsidies in the settlement calculation
- Send us a copy of the Property Information Transfer (Form 24)
- BPAY is our preferred method of payment. BPAY details can be found on the first page of the Water Search Certificate
- When making settlements by cheque complete the remittance slip on the Water Search Certificate and mail to:
Unitywater, Locked Bag 2,
Maroochydore BC QLD 4558
Disclaimer: An important note before using this calculator
The result provided by this calculator should be treated as an estimate and used as a guide only. Unitywater is not responsible for any variation between the settlement payment amount provided by the calculator and the seller’s actual charges at time of billing.
This calculator has been specifically designed for the calculation of residential accounts only. Other account types may require manual calculation.
Calculation of charges between the special read and settlement date and apportionment of these charges is a matter for agreement between the buyer and the seller. Unitywater is not responsible for any variation between this apportionment and subsequent billing.
Unitywater does not guarantee information provided by this calculator and cannot accept liability for any error or omission by the user.